Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Wendling Boys visit the Easter Bunny :)

Derrick and I took the boys to visit the Easter Bunny at the Mall of America, They were so excited!  Ryder was a little nervous but gave the bunny a high five and a hug.  Major improvement from last year he wanted nothing to do with him.  Little Gus thought the bunny was funny, and Westen snuggled right up to the Easter Bunny.  It so so funny how all three boys are so different!

After visiting the Easter Bunny we went on rides at Nick Universe and the boys had a blast!  Westen was happy that Daddy was with so he could go on the wild crazy spinning rides that mommy's stomach can't handle!  Westen is 48 inches now so he can go on all of the adult rides, so he thinks he is pretty cool!  Ryder was sad he couldn't join in, but had fun on all of the kiddie rides, He laughed and laughed on the Wonderpets ride :) Little Gus was just along for the ride taking it all in! 

It was such a Fun Family Day for the Wendling's! :)