Monday, February 28, 2011

Vote for Augustus on KDWB BABY IDOL

Please Vote for AUGUSTUS :)  on KDWB BABY IDOL Click on the Link Below to vote and click on Letter A to find Augustus :)  You can vote once a day once you are registered to vote

Sunday, February 6, 2011


We spend the last few days at the Kalahari in Wisconsin Dells, Thanks to my brother Chris who surprised us with a trip to the dells :)  The boys had a blast playing in the water, going down the water slides and even surfing!  They even have an indoor theme park with go karts, and much more.  It was an amazing place! 

Westen loved surfing, he did so good, it was hilarious. He is such a tough little guy he would coast down and surf and then try to do some tricks, he did awesome! Ryder loved the water slides and playing with all the shooting water guns. Little Gus loved the hippo slide and splashing in the water.  He tried keeping up with his big brothers but the place was huge and he couldn't keep up! :p

This is a trip we would definitely do again!  Thanks Uncle Chris and Lauren for spending the weekend with us and for a fun filled trip :)